Dear Reader,

Since 1987, Healthexcel has been at the forefront of Metabolic Typing® research, development, application and training for health professionals around the world. Healthexcel Metabolic Typing® Advisors have been trained in over 50 countries and counting.

Search our Metabolic Typing® Advisors list at the left to read about their qualifications and available services.

Note: You do not need to see a MT Advisor in person. Metabolic Typing® evaluations and consulting can be done via email and telephone.

Thank you for your interest in Metabolic Typing®.

William L. Wolcott
Founder, The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®
Author, The Metabolic Typing Diet (Doubleday, 2000)

NOTE: We do our best to keep contact information as up to date as possible. If you find that a link or email address doesn't work, please contact support so that we can make sure you get to work with a Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor that will meet your needs.